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Celebrating the Earth through Art at Khaama Kethna

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

An Eco-Sanctuary for Holistic Wellbeing

Set in the heart of the jungle, at the foothills of the Western Ghats lies an enchanted forest land where we will convene to celebrate the Earth. Under native trees that reach into the sky, Wildbiyoo will scatter the seeds of change. A three-week artist residency around the theme of climate justice culminates in a weekend of conscious revelling, where powerful artworks animate the space and music, activists and vendors come together to regenerate the soil. 

Wildbiyoo is conceptualised as an experience that can entangle humans more closely with the wilderness and inhabit resilience in ways that can ripple into positive lifestyle changes. To entwine ourselves more deeply with nature, we need to realign our patterns of interaction with the earth. We need to reconsider the ways in which we eat, create, communicate and play. 

A photo of Khaama Kethna entrance
The secret garden pathway leading into Khaama Kethna Holistic Wellbeing Retreat Centre

Khaama Kethna, a holistic wellness retreat centre that believes in the healing power of Nature aspires to offer an explorative and connecting encounter with the wild. The experience of co-learning and co-creating in an organic setup that we offer to our residents in Khaama Kethna is a microcosm of the changes we hope to see in the world. The resurgence of community led initiatives, the calibration of our bodies to natural cycles, the sheer joy and purposefulness that comes with walking through a thriving jungle! 

One of the treehouses at Khaama Kethna
One of Khaama Kethna's dreamy treehouses, for finding peace up high with the birds

Wildbiyoo Festival: Making Art in, about and for the Wild

We have set up both the residency and the festival in a way that complements a nature-based way of living. Our residents will be staying in bamboo huts built on stilts, waking up to nearby birdsong and the sight of butterflies flitting in and out through their windows. The chef at Khaana Khao, the in-house café at Khaama Kethna has designed a special menu that will offer delicious medicinal food to our artists. We will foray into the ecological diversity of the region together, creating site specific and participatory artworks that will transform the jungle into a harmonious, compostable work of art. 

Khaama Kethna is spread out over 12.5 acres of jungle land, dotted with ethereal shalas and spaces that will be open to festival goers. The heart of Wildbiyoo festival takes place at the Forest Shala. We will open up the grounds to our audience to learn about the climate crisis, Goa’s ecology, the role of art in the process of change and be swayed by the melodies of musicians who are here to celebrate the Earth. The grounds will be dotted with stalls that serve food and refreshments, as well as eclectic vendors who have sustainable wares for sale. 

A picture of the Banyan Tree Shala at Khaama Kethna
The Banyan Tree Shala at Khaama Kethna, a space Wildbiyoo Festival is dedicating to healing practices, cacao ceremonies and rewilding for all festival goers

The Banyan Tree area will be a centre of healing and coming together. Under the sprawling roots of this ancient giant, transformative experiences to centre and regenerate the self are offered - from cacao ceremonies to ecstatic dance to taster sessions with different healers. 

The Pottery Shala, aside from being HQ for the resident artists, will also double up as an exhibition space during the festival, showcasing the processes and outcomes of the residency. We will also have a collaborative sculpture and art workshops that visitors can get involved in during the festival.

The Pyramid Shala, a whimsical and elegant space is dedicated to showcasing the wonders of Goa - from arts and crafts to grains to textiles. 

Goa's First Zero-Waste, Family-Friendly Art Festival for the Planet No matter who you are and what you do, there is something for everyone at Wildbiyoo. From kids’ areas to chillout spaces to hubs for learning, dancing and healing, each corner has many offerings. We are deeply committed to leaving the jungle intact and have adopted a #zero-waste policy. Our festivities will be conducted respectfully - no chemicals or inorganic waste will be brought on site. We have built up the grounds using natural materials. From reusable cups to digital tickets to compostable tableware, we wish to leave no trace! If we've admittedly been obliged to print posters to make this initiative possible, we'll be recycling the paper in the wake of the Festival and donating the proceed of our Wildbiyoo Fundraiser to Arannya Environmental Organisation to support their work making Goa green and wild again.

Wildbiyoo is our experiment in rewilding, in changing the modes of operation and organisation that have led us into the turmoil of the climate crisis.

We believe that the revolution must be joyful and the change we wish to bring must we brought on with love. And so, we invite you to celebrate the Earth with us.

If you don't have your tickets yet, you can buy them right here and now! Simply scroll down to book on this page or head to Wildbiyoo Festival homepage to book there. As mentioned above, part of your ticket fee will be donated to Arannya Environmental Organisation and the incredible Harshada Gauns to help them carry out their conservation work through education, research, outreach and action. Help us make Goa a more eco-conscious place! See you in the jungle! 

Written by Aishwarya Shah


Are you ready to book your ticket to Wildbiyoo Festival? Amazing! Simply use the booking form below to book a Day Pass or a Weekend Pass. Your ticket helps us fund the amazing work of Arannya Environmental Organisation.

If you're having trouble booking below, head here to book directly through our booking platform.

Thank you for your contribution to Goa's first zero-waste eco-festival!

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